As of an update published last Friday from Governor Inslee, libraries in Washington in both Phase One and Two of the “Healthy Washington – Roadmap to Recovery” plan are again able to offer limited in-building services. For us, that means resuming our “20 for 20” procedure (20 library users in the building concurrently, for 20 minutes each), after about two weeks of curbside-only services. Library users can again browse the entire collection, use our copier/printer, and even read the newspapers and magazines.

At this time, we are not offering use of our public computers or study spaces. And in compliance with State and County regulations, physical distancing and facemasks are required.

Our open hours are Mon-Wed-Fri-Sat from noon to 3 pm. We can make alternative pickup arrangements upon request.

Here is a link to the detailed guidance for libraries in Washington: COVID19 Library Guidance.pdf (wa.gov).

As always, please call us at 360-376-4985 with any questions or requests, or contact me directly at pheikkinen@orcaslibrary.org