National Library Week will be celebrated the week of  April 10-16th. National Library Week is an annual celebration of the contributions of our nation’s libraries and librarians. First sponsored in 1958, National Library Week is a national observance sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) and libraries across the country each April.   All types of libraries-school, public, academic and special-participate.

This year’s theme is “Create Your Own Story.”  Whether you are getting your first library card, learning new computer skills, or planning a trip, the library is the place where your story begins.

The Orcas Island Library regularly has between 40 and 60 volunteers helping the staff with the many tasks involved in running and maintaining the library.  Currently, the Library employs three full time, and five part time paid staff.  Without the help of our volunteers, we would not be able to keep up with the demands of being one of the Libraries in the state of Washington that is consistently at the top of the list for visits and circulation per capita.

Please stop by the Library during this week (or anytime) and thank your friends and neighbors who give of their time to make this Library great.  Our internal theme this year is “Come Meet Your Peeps @ the Library.”

**If it wouldn’t cause you financial distress to take out a modestly-priced, voluntary subscription (HERE), you’d be doing a real service. If it would, then no worries, we’re happy to share with you.**