— from Jim Biddick, President OIHS —

Now that the tourist season is winding down, the Orcas Island Museum has shifted to its off-season schedule. It is also time to give some special thanks to the supporters of the Society.

Our first thank you goes to Dan & Denise Wilk of Eclipse Charters and to Boyd Pratt. On September 7, Eclipse Charters hosted a Cruise into History: Lime Kilns of Orcas, which was narrated by Boyd Pratt. The day was outstanding and the four hour cruise led us to many of the old historical sites on the island for a water view. Best of all, the Museum was the recipient of a very generous donation from Dan and Denise. Eclipse Charters have always been a major supporter of the Society and again thanks Dan and Denise.

The second thank you goes to Christina & Bruce Orchid of Red Rabbit Farm. On October 4, they provided a fantastic setting for the Museums annual Fall Fundraiser the Heritage Harvest Feast. If you have never had a chance to partake of one of Christina’s farm meals, you don’t know what you are missing! We strongly urge you take advantage of one of the many fundraising events that Christina hosts for the Island’s non-profits.  This year it was our honor to be the recipient of one of these wonderful fundraising opportunities. Thank you Christina and Bruce for all that you did for the Museum and for all that you do for the community.

The third big thank you goes to our business supporters that helped make our Historical Days a big success. They included: Inn at Ship Bay, Rosario Resort, Sea Island Sand & Gravel, Orcas Excavating, Island Excavating, Orcas Workshop, Peter Fisher Gallery and Kangaroo House. A special thanks to the Harvey Family for their contribution of the ever popular logging show and to Massage by the Sea for her October offer to give 50% of the money received from every massage to the Museum.

Thank you to all those that made pies for this year’s pie booth on the Fourth of July and thank you to all of the volunteers and attendees that came out to support this year’s Historical Days celebration on July 3.

The last thank you goes to the Society’s many volunteers that have put in numerous unselfish hours supporting Society as docents at both the Pioneer Museum and Crow Valley School. Thank you to the many Museum members that continue to support our efforts to insure that the history of Orcas Island lives on. Thank you to my 2014 Board which provided a fantastic year of events, exhibits and for making giant steps forward in our continued growth.

And lastly, thank you to our many visitors from around the world that took the time to tour our museum treasures and support the many other Orcas Island businesses that serve Orcas. You are all part of what ensures the Society’s motto of “History Lives Here” is not forgotten.

For the 2015 season we are starting to line up volunteers to act as docents for both Crow Valley School and the Pioneer Museum. We also are seeking Board members to help continue the growth of the Society and to assist us in meeting our future goals. If you have any interest in either of these opportunities, please contact Maggie Vinson at 376-4849.

Watch for our upcoming history matinees the third Sunday of each month and for our 2015 calendar of offerings. If you haven’t done it lately, tour the Museum during the off season for free, Wednesday through Saturday between 12:00 PM and 3:00PM. In May watch for our all island newsletter and if you are not a member of the Orcas Island Historical Society, please join to ensure that our island treasures are not forgotten.