— by Carol Kulminski —

This year, the Garden Tour in June was the most successful to date.

Sally Hodson, one of the organizers, gives all the credit to the many volunteers who gave their time and creative talents in so many ways.

From the generous garden owners to the docents, captains, and behind-the-scenes volunteers, all were involved resulting in a heightened sense of community. This was a goal set by the leadership; Margaret Payne as President, and Sally Hodson and Marlyn Myers as Garden Club co-chairs.

Thank you cards, phone calls, and high praise for each individuals’ efforts created an atmosphere of teamwork and cooperation. This model is set by the leadership. For example, when Marlyn was suddenly diagnosed with a serious cancer and had to leave many last-minute details to Sally, she wanted to thank and recognize Sally. Marlyn made an unexpected appearance at a Garden Club meeting to give Sally a large pot of flowers and to make a heartfelt speech. With her voice barely above a whisper due to medical procedures she is undergoing, Marlyn thanked Sally and all the volunteers for their wonderful work on the Garden Tour. With this much heart, who would not want to be a member of the Orcas Island Garden Club?