Orcas Island High School Seniors hear scholarship announcements at the "Celebration of Success" today

Lions Club President Mike Jonas probably spoke for all of the club and business representatives at today’s Celebration of Success when  he said,” This is the best part of my job, to come here today and do this.”

Jonas, along with members of 23 island organizations, presented scholarships to Orcas High School Seniors today.

Several alumni of Orcas Island High School presented awards, among them Candace Bodenhamer, Key Bank, Class of ’81; Sherry Doherty, Athletic Booster Club, ’79; Dyan Holmes, Islanders Bank, ’07; and Rich Harvey, Firefighters Association/Jeff Patty family, ’00.

Community businesses, organizations and service clubs honor Orcas High graduates with scholarships today at the Celebration of Success. Graduation ceremonies are tomorrow, June 12 at 2 p.m. in the High School Gymnasium

In addition to the scholarship announcements, Superintendent/High School Principal Barbara Kline announced the seniors who had scored in the top 10% of graduating seniors in grade-point averages and test scores, nationwide:

  • Tika Thorson
  • Lanie Padbury
  • Bobbie Lowry
  • Taylor Diepenbrock
  • Jeanie Tran

Taylor Diepenbrock is Class Valedictorian and Elena “Lanie” Padbury is Salutatorian. Students who are members of  the National Honor Society and the Music Honor students were also honored at the assembly.

In closing the ceremony today, Kline said she continues to be “overwhelmed, amazed and gratified” at the local contributions made for Orcas students’ continuing education. She announced that the scholarships awarded from institutions of higher learning will be announced at the official graduation ceremonies tomorrow, beginning at 2 p.m. in the High School gym.

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