Orcas High School Class of 2012 at today's "Celebration of Success"

Graduation Saturday, June 16 at 2 p.m. at the High School Gym

The Orcas community gathered today, June 15, at Orcas High School to announce awards granted to members of the OHS Class of 2012. Representatives from 24 businesses, non-profits, government agencies and individuals called up members of the Senior Class to receive their awards during the annual Celebration of Success that precedes the Graduation Commencement ceremonies.

2012 Valedictorian Sophie Thixton and co-Salutatorians Christopher Ghazel and Huxley Smart led their class in academic, vocational and service awards.

Katrina Lindgren, recipient of the Jeff Patty Fire Fighters award, gets a big hug from Rich Harvey.

Jeff Zbornik made the announcement of the Odd Fellows Awards for “wisdom.” He said the difference between knowledge and wisdom is that a person with knowledge knows that tomato is a fruit; the person with wisdom knows to keep the tomato out of fruit salad.

In bestowing the Vocational Award to Jake Griffith, Teacher Kari Schuh gave a heads-up to Orcas employers for a student who has demonstrated wide vocational pursuits, desire to learn and responsibility.

Teacher and Advisor Gregory Books choked up as he notified the seniors, “You’re not kids anymore.”

Retiring coach Dennis Dahl commended the students for “goal-setting, self-discipline and successful completion” of their high school diplomas.  Teacher and Senior Class Advisor Vicki Clancy said her work with the class was “mostly fun” though there were some “hair-pulling” moments. She said, “Come back and see me some times,” to the graduating class.