Everyone invited to participate via Zoom

— from Anne Presson for Orcas Island Health Care District —

The Orcas Island Health Care District (OIHCD) is hosting a Town Hall meeting to update the community on the status of the Medical Clinic Operator Request for Proposal (RFP) that closes on June 26 th . The meeting will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, June 30 from 5 – 7 p.m.

You will hear how the current two-clinic structure is impacting the long-term sustainability of health care, and activities leading up to the release of the RFP in early May. The Board will then review how the RFP was designed to solicit responses to show how a consolidated clinic could address the financial and operational needs of the community, providers, and staff.

Being that responses to the RFP will have only recently been received, this meeting will not go into significant detail as to the specifics of the responses. A second Town Hall is scheduled for July 9, at which time the Commissioners will be prepared to provide details about the organizations and their proposal.

The format will include a brief presentation by the Board, and the majority of time will allow for community questions and feedback. Details to access the meeting can be found on the Calendar Tab of the District website, and are listed below:

  • Join Zoom Meeting
  • https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87669686209
  • Dial by Phone:              +1 669 900 9128
  • Meeting ID:                   876 6968 6209

We appreciate the community’s understanding as we are limited to holding this meeting in a 100% virtual format. Based on past history, we expect a large number of participants and will be muting the audience. We will have questions submitted via the Chat function on Zoom. For anyone without access to a device that accommodates the Chat function, you can either submit questions in advance to Superintendent Presson at annep@orcashealth.org, or she will accept questions during the Town Hall via text at 415-999-5611.

Please join us in this important discussion that will help shape the future of healthcare on Orcas.