— from Linda Peth for Orcas Island Grange —

The Orcas Island Grange was represented by Leslie Seaman, Grange Master and Linda Peth, Secretary at the 130th Washington State Grange Convention in Okanogan June 26 – 29. A few examples of issues addressed during the four days of meetings. The Granges have an impact on many issues.

  • Agriculture issues on Conservation and Ecology including Supporting Farmers’ Innovations Around Climate Change. Restore the Similkameen River in Eastern Washington …Breaching the Four Dams on the Snake River in Eastern Washington was rejected…reason is Eastern Washington Farmers depend on these Dams for water and also “unknown contaminates if Dams are removed.”
  • Adopted the definition of MILK “WSGrange supports that products not produced from mammary glands of mammals cannot be labeled as milk”.
  • “Support the federal government to negotiate a bilateral agreement with Japan that restores access and expands markets for American producers.”
  • Public Lands “local citizens and local governments should make decisions regarding protection and management of public lands.”
  • Water Quality “We oppose expanding the EPA’s definition of waters of the U.S.”
  • Defeated was the Resolution to Ban All Single-Use Plastics. Reasoning was use of syringes for Diabetics, inoculations, etc.
  • Basic Education Funding…Work Force Training and Education Coordination Board (WTB) be equally distributed to rural areas as well as urban areas. To federally fund all federally mandated education programs. Adopted Programs for challenged and/or gifted children should be funded by the state including state mandates. Supporting Youth Firearms Education Programs, adopted.
  • Basic Dental Coverage Through Medicare, adopted.
  • Banking and Finance…support any legislation that would tighten the unauthorized use of personal credit card information for fraudulent purposes, adopted.
  • Daylight Saving Time… support of either daylight saving time or standard time on a permanent basis year round; and be it further we encourage Oregon and California to support legislation for a uniform time.
  • Property Tax…support valuing all property based on its current use as opposed to highest and best use valuation.
  • Support open space, agricultural land and designated forest land taxation laws.
  • Transportation….Rest Areas…support for legislation that prohibits soliciting and panhandling in rest areas.
  • Use of ADB lights, Roundabouts Education, 24 hour Headlight use on all vehicles.
  • Veterans Affairs…support health care facilities 60 miles or less; use of local medical facilities for treatment of veterans with medical, mental and substance abuse issues.