The General Election is November 8, 2011. There are state, county and taxing district measures and candidates on the ballot.

BullWings: Orcas Issues will be covering county and local elections.

The  proposition statements for and and against the two county measures and the Orcas School district levy will be published as follows :

  • Sunday, October 2, San Juan County Proposition #1: Extension through 2026 of Conservation Area Real Estate Excise Tax
  • Monday, October 3, San Juan County Proposition #2: Solid Waste User Charge for Management of Solid Waste
  • Tuesday, October 4, Orcas Island School District #137 Proposition #1:  One Year Capital Projects Levy
To read further about these issues as described in the online voters guide, go to sanjuan/currentelection/Pages/OnlineVotersGuide.ElectionMeasures

The online voters guide can be viewed at: sanjuan/currentelection/Pages/OnlineVotersGuide Once there indicate whether you want to view “Measures” to see the Initiatives and “Local” to see the candidates for elected office on Orcas Island.

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