Diego Rivera, a senior at Orcas Christian School, recently completed his ground school and passed his Airman written test. On a recent sunny evening Mr. Rivera completed his first solo flight with the Air Hawks Club!

Air Hawks is a local aviation club of enthusiasts that encourages island youths to explore and discover a passion or careers in Aviation.

OCS raised scholarship funds for a student to pursue application to the Air Hawks and to help cover expenses once they solo so they can progress in learning this new skill. Students must maintain a high grade point average, be involved in community service, and be recommended by a staff member to be eligible to receive these funds.

Diego attended a personal interview with members of the Air Hawk’s board and was chosen form several other applicants. Anthony Simpson, Air Hawks member, provided the flight instruction at the Orcas Airport.

“I’m so excited to continue my pursuit of a private pilot’s license and the privileges the Air Hawks Club provides, and plan to make a career in aviation,” stated Rivera.


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