Dec. 29 Salon Concert Sold Out! Second Concert added Dec. 30

Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival’s Salon Concert on Thursday, Dec. 29 sold out quickly.  Now, pianist Jon Kimura Parker has generously agreed to perform a second concert so that others may attend.  The concert will take place Friday, Dec. 30 at 7 p.m. at Orcas Center’s OffCenter Stage.  It promises to be a wonderful holiday evening to share with family and friends.

Jackie will perform the same concert December 29 and December 30.  The program features Pictures at an Exhibition, Modest Mussorgsky’s most famous piano composition. Jackie will also perform Sergei Prokofiev’s Piano Sonata No. 3 “From Old Notebooks.”  

Pictures at an Exhibition is an epic and hugely popular work with a fascinating history.  Mussorgsky was a member of “The Five,” a 19th century group of Russian composers.  He was devastated by the sudden death of architect and artist Viktor Hartmann, one of his closest companions.  An exhibition was organized in honor of Hartmann, using his sketches of architecture, characters and scenes from everyday life.  This exhibit inspired Mussorgsky to compose Pictures at an Exhibition in six weeks, as he imagines himself walking down the hallway that showcased his friend’s work.  The original piano version is rarely heard, but you can hear it performed by one of the world’s great pianists, Jon Kimura Parker, December 29 and 30.

Following the concert, guests will enjoy a nightcap reception, with Thurston Wolfe Festival wines and festive hors d’oeuvres. Tickets are available now.  Call the OICMF office 360-376-6636.  Tickets are $75.   Proceeds benefit Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival programming and music education.  For more information, visit