A group of Orcas Islanders concerned with the health and safety of our island kids and maintaining our vibrant community have begun an initiative to create “Orcas Rec”, a Parks and Recreation District on Orcas Island.  We hope you will sign our Petition at the Farmers Market and other places around the island this month so we can all vote on establishing the district in November.

Why should we establish Orcas Rec?

  • We need a stable recreation program.  The current Recreation Program will collapse without support from the County.  That program offers an assortment of programs and activities; including youth soccer, sailing camp, and vital after-school programs.
  • We need local control of our recreation programs.  The County leaders have said they want to cut Orcas Rec from the County budget.  Donations are unreliable.  We need to find another way to continue what we are doing now.
  • Youth sports and activities lower juvenile crime rates.
  • Strong park and recreation activities foster a vibrant community and bring people together.

What does the petition mean?

  • The petition is the way to get this on the ballot for voter approval in the November election.
  • The initiative will ask voters to approve the establishment of a new parks and recreation district for Orcas Island only.
  • Five commissioners will be elected to fix a budget and govern Orcas Rec.
  • The initiative does not include any tax levy.  We think it’s best for elected commissioners to fix a budget and then go back to the voters to decide the best way to pay for the programs, activities and facilities.

What happens if Orcas Rec is approved?

  • With a successful vote to establish Orcas Rec, five elected commissioners – all who live on Orcas – will work with you to establish a plan for Orcas Rec that supports our youth and community.
  • A strategic plan and supporting budget will be created by the commissioners.
  • Eventually, the initial commissioners will propose a fiscally responsible tax levy that Orcas Island voters will have to approve at a separate election.

Thank you for your support!

Kevin O’Brien for Orcas Islanders for Orcas Rec

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