— from Sharon Abreu —

Dear President Trump,

I am writing to make sure you know that I oppose the Dakota Access pipeline, Keystone XL pipeline, Spectra Gas, and Kinder Morgan pipeline projects.

You have said that you received no calls in opposition to the DAPL. That’s hard to believe because I know so many people that have been opposing this pipeline for many months. I have been opposed to this project myself. I have donated to those in Standing Rock, ND, going back to August.

I’ve been doing climate change education since 2000. I started doing this after attending a symposium on global warming at the American Museum of Natural History’s Center for Biodiversity in 1999. I don’t do this for the money. I make little if any money doing this work. You may not be aware that the science of global warming started in Europe the 1820s. This is well-documented.

In this day and age, when even the U.S. Navy is very concerned about climate change and how rising sea levels are now impacting its coastal bases – that’s billions of dollars in taxpayer real estate – I don’t see how U.S. politicians can continue to deny climate change. It is dishonest and clearly it is being driven by the fossil fuel industry and those connected to those profits. The retired head of the Navy’s Pacific command, a 4-star admiral, Admiral Locklear, said in 2013 that climate change was the biggest threat to his security environment. Climate change is forcing migrations to happen overseas and here in the U.S. as well – in Alaska and Louisiana, and this will likely continue to happen and increase.

I am aware that you are personally profiting from the fossil fuel industry. I urge you to shift your investments now to renewable energy and energy efficiency. Investing in renewable energy and efficiency now will create millions of jobs, and much cleaner, safer air and water for U.S. citizens across the country. It will bring significant profits to investors. And it will also make our country competitive in the world market in a positive way, rather than in a way that damages both workers and the environment that supports our health and lives. I want to acknowledge your opposition to the TPP, which I also opposed and am glad that is not going forward.

I urge you to consider what I’m saying here and to take action on this now. If you do this, your approval rating will increase significantly. This is what the vast majority of Americans want. And if you are the president responsible for making this happen now, you will go down in history in a very positive light, whereas now you are quickly losing the support of more and more of us. This will require that you send a strong message to the fossil fuel and nuclear industries that it is time for them to shift to sustainable, renewable energy.

Imagine how many good jobs could be created in hiring people to do energy efficiency retrofitting of every home, school, office, factory, and house of worship across our country!! If you’re willing to push this, you will go down in history as a great president. You can do this, and many, many of us will have your back.

And I urge you not to eliminate or weaken the EPA, which needs our support to protect the health of all American citizens.

Thank you for your immediate attention to my comments here.