In recognition of National Energy Awareness Month, the Energy Advisors from OPALCO have teamed up with local libraries to present a series of workshops in October to help members learn how to trim the waste from their electric usage and monthly bills using a Kill-a-Watt meter.

There are phantom electrical loads lurking in all of our homes, haunting our electric bills. Walk around your home at night and look for the tell-tale eyes: the colored lights on device chargers, computers, game systems and appliances. These phantom loads may seem harmless, but they can add up on your power bill. Co-op members are invited to join us for a hands-on workshop at your island’s library to learn how to use a
Kill-a-Watt meter to test a variety of phantom load producing devices.

Orcas Library:  Monday, October 22nd from 10-11:00 a.m.

Lopez Library:  Thursday, October 25th from 2-3:00 p.m.

San Juan Library:  Friday, October 26th from 12:30-1:30 p.m.

Shaw Community Center: TBA


These workshops are free, and OPALCO has provided Kill-a-Watt meters at each island library that you can check out and use at home to spook your own phantoms out and make your bill less scary.

OPALCO is our cooperative electrical utility serving about 11,000 co-op member-owners on 20 islands in San Juan County. We provide electricity that is 95% greenhouse-gas free and is predominately generated by hydro-electric plants. OPALCO was founded in 1937 to bring electricity to our rural islands.