— from Eric Webb, Orcas Island Schools Superintendent —

Over the past weeks, OISD has taken numerous steps to prepare for and prevent the spread of the COVID–19 virus. These steps include, but are not limited to, ordering additional cleaning supplies and equipment, releasing students early on Friday to train staff and deep clean buildings and buses, and postponing student travel and field trips. Over the next weeks, we will implement more strategies as recommended by health and education agencies. These strategies could range from canceling non-essential travel to school closure. We will notify staff, students, families, and community of any courses of action with as much notice as feasibly possible via social media.

The district has been and will continue to be in close contact with our local Educational Service District, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, superintendents across the state, and San Juan County Department of Health and Wellness. Rest assured, we are in constant communication with these organizations and individuals as information changes almost hourly as we work together to prepare for and combat this virus. 

Please click on the link below to see a short video of the OISD activities taking place these past weeks to protect our students and staff from the COVID-19 virus:

OISD Keeping Our Students and Staff Healthy