August 25 and 27

— from Islanders for Safe Shipping —

The fall release of drift cards will be on August 25 and 27, so keep your eyes open and report any cards found on your favorite beach.

This drift card study is a collaboration between FRIENDS of the San Juans and their Canadian partners, Georgia Strait Alliance and Raincoast Conservation Foundation. The results from this study will improve understanding of ocean circulation in the Salish Sea, helping to identify places especially vulnerable to oil spills, and will be used by scientists at University of BC and elsewhere.

To help with the project and/or sponsor a drift card for $20/card, contact FRIENDS of the San Juans at 378-2319.

For more information:

San Juan Islanders for Safe Shipping is a member of San Juans Alliance

San Juans Alliance is a consortium of Lopez NO COALition, Orcas NO COALition, San Juan Islanders for Safe Shipping & FRIENDS of the San Juans. We are a diverse group of San Juan Islands’ citizens who call these islands home. We are united in our concern about the likely adverse impacts to our economy and our environment from the transport of fossil fuels through the Salish Sea.