— from Kevin O’Brien —

Leading up to the Levy Lid-Lift Election on April 22, and an ongoing recruitment drive for volunteer firefighters in Doe Bay, Orcas, and Deer Harbor; Orcas Island Fire and Rescue will be hosting a series of events geared to inform the community of our overall operations, funding, and the details of the Levy Lid-Lift. At each event we will offer a “Five Minute Hands Only CPR Class.”

  • Brown Bag Lunches: Bring your lunch, meet with OIFR for discussion about our operations, the levy, and an optional “Five Minute Hands Only CPR Class”
  • Town Hall Meetings: Evening “Town Hall” style meetings featuring discussion about our operations, the levy, and an optional “Five Minute Hands Only CPR Class”
  • Open House: Tour the fire station, observe live demonstrations, and talk with OIFR staff about operations, funding, and the Levy Lid Lift. Participate in an optional “Five Minute Hands Only CPR Class”


Brown Bag Lunches:

  • February 25, Tuesday, 12:00 p.m.- 1:30 p.m., Station 21
  • March 6, Thursday, 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m., Doe Bay Fire Hall
  • March 12, Wednesday, 12:00 p.m.- 1:30 p.m., Olga Community Club
  • March 27, Thursday, 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m., Orcas Fire Sta. 26

Town Hall Meetings:

  • February 26, Wednesday, 5:00 p.m.- 6:30 p.m., Station 21
  • April 1, Tuesday, 5:00p.m. -6:30 p.m., Station 21
  • April 16, Wednesday, 5:00 p.m. -6:30 p.m., Station 21

 Open Houses:

  • March 1, Saturday, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., Station 21
  • March 29, Saturday, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., Deer Harbor Station 24
  • April 12, Saturday, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., Doe Bay Fire Hall

The Commissioners of Orcas Island Fire and Rescue unanimously approved resolution 2014-1 which includes the approval of ballot language and direction to ask the Orcas electorate to cast their ballots for Proposition No. 1 on April 22.

The OIFR staff and commissioners performed an intensive analysis of current operations and levels of service. The examination included a detailed operational strategic planning process and a comprehensive financial analysis projecting operational expenses through 2023.

Proposition No. 1 includes the following details:

  • Renewal of a levy lid lift at $1.05 per thousand (This is slightly below the current millage rate of $1.0513 per thousand)
  • If approved, the levy will run for 10 years beginning January 1, 2015

Approval of Proposition No. 1 Will Enable OIFR to:

  • Maintain our current levels of service for EMS, Fire, Rescue, and Public Education
  • Maintain or replace as needed our current vehicles with no expansion
  • Maintain our current facilities with no expansion
  • Address OIFR Ten Year Financial Projection
  • Address the priorities in the OIFR Strategic Plan

OIFR Levy Background

OIFR is currently funded by a special levy lid lift that was approved by Orcas voters in 1998 with a millage rate per thousand of assessed valuation of $1.35. The lid lift expires at the end of 2014 and is the primary source of funding for OIFR (99%).

In its final year, the special levy lid lift will generate $2,042,599.37 with a rate of $1.0513 per thousand dollars of assessed value.

The 2014 OIFR Operating Budget (fuel, electricity, supplies, wages, benefits) is $1,687,441. The 2014 Capital Budget (building maintenance, equipment replacement, apparatus refurbish/replacement) is $259,816.

The remainder of funds generated by the levy is used to manage cash flow and prepare for unforeseen emergency events.

Since 1999, over a period of 14 years, the special levy lid lift has enabled OIFR to improve the level of service to our community for fire protection, rescue, EMS, and public information and funded the following improvements:

All OIFR maintenance and operations

  • Improved response times ~ 24 Hour Paramedic/Duty Officer Staffing
  • The construction of Eastsound Station 21 and Deer Harbor Station 24
  • The purchase of West Sound Station 22
  • Volunteer benefits to assure recruitment and retention of volunteer responders
  • The purchase of new EMS, Rescue and Fire vehicles

If the lid lift were to end without renewal, OIFR would revert to a static levy which would generate approximately $914,344.

We look forward to seeing you.