Saturday, May 10, 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Environmental Learning Center

— by Sue Lewis —

Great food, wonderful ambiance and heartwarming fellowship will make May 10 a day to remember.  The theme of this year’s Orcas Island Community Church Women’s Spring Luncheon is “Victory Gardens.”  The theme comes from Psalm 18:19, “He brought me to a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.”  Our guest speaker, Linda Whiting, is a former Friday Harbor gal.  She married Larry, a young pilot, and entered the adventure of living in Asia. They were accepted as career missionaries with MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) and were assigned to Indonesia and Laos where they lived for over 20 years.  They have four children.

Linda Whiting

Linda Whiting

Linda will talk to us about the gardens mentioned in the Bible and how the creation of our personal gardens can bring us peace and contentment.  Do you ever feel like you are living in a battle zone?  How do we obtain victory?   Gardening provides a time to connect with God and reflect on what God is doing in our lives.  Scripture builds on the theme of VictoryGardens, and Linda will explore these ideas.  Linda brings significant experience of going through difficult life situations and determining how to come through them victoriously.

All women are invited to attend for fun and fellowship.  A delicious meal will be prepared and served by the men of our church.  This promises to be a very enjoyable afternoon.

Cost is $15.00 per person and reservations are required by May 3.

RESERVATIONS REQUIRED BY MAY 3, 2014. Call Susan Clark at 376-7046 for reservations as only 130 seats are available.

*** DISCOVER PASS IS NOT REQUIRED for parking. Parking space is limited, and carpooling is highly encouraged.