April 7 – 8, and April 13 – 14, 7:30 p.m., Orcas Center Black Box

— from Janet Brownell —

“We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep.” On April 7 and 8, and April 13 and 14, the Orcas Island High School “Theater as Lit” class will be performing William Shakespeare’s “The Tempest.” The play is set on a remote island, where the sorcerer Prospero has a thirst for revenge that changes to forgiveness with the help and love of his daughter Miranda. Spoiler alert:  Prospero’s plan involves magic and a big storm (aka a tempest).

Jake Perrine is the play’s director and the teaching artist for the class. This production stars Robert Hall as Prospero as well as a cast of students including: Journey Howden, Margot Van Gelder, Bradley Neal, Miles Harlow, Pearl Mudd, Kai McGregor, Henry McMurray, Cyrus Amour, Phaedra Osborn, Brother (Evan) Murphy, Jessica Nichols, Aiden McGregor, Cierra Lutz, Ingrid Figueroa, Alyssa Johns, Tori Sturk, Richardo De Anda, Ella Nelson, Erin White, Katarina Schiller, Aiden McGregor, and Brittney Kern.

Perrine notes, “These students are taking on an enormous task – many of them have never been on stage before, much less speaking in verse. And “The Tempest” offers some of Shakespeare’s most mature and complex characters.  We’ve been rehearsing just a few hours a week since September, and I’m proud of how far they’ve come.”

In terms of the class work around the play, OISD teacher Val Heller adds, “It has a fascinating theme that teenagers (and adults as well) struggle with. We have had some interesting discussions in class about this topic.”

Like last year’s “Midsummer Night’s Abduction,” the production has a modernized setting to make it more accessible to a modern audience, but the text is entirely Shakespeare. Perrine adds,  “We’ve also put a twist on “The Tempest” I’ve never seen anyone do before, but I won’t spoil it for you ahead of time – expect the unexpected.”

Funding for the “Theater as Lit” class, and this production, comes from the Orcas Island Education Foundation (OIEF). Principal Kyle Freeman adds, “We are so excited about this year’s performance of “The Tempest.” The creation of this wonderful partnership with Orcas Center and Jake Perrine is an amazing gift from OIEF. It is a joy to watch our students take to the stage and explore an exciting and engaging form of learning. The Theater as Literature class has provides a wonderful opportunity for our students to grow, learn, and expand their horizons.”

Tickets are available at the Chamber of Commerce, online at oief.org/events, or at the door the night of performances. The proceeds from the play will benefit the OIEF. Suggested donations are Adults $10, Students $5. All performances start at 7:30 in the Orcas Center’s “Black Box” theater.