The San Juan County Land Bank is offering a once-a-year opportunity to purchase locally grown wildflowers native to San Juan County. Reserve your plants online September 18 – 27, and pick them up on Saturday, October 3 at locations on Lopez, Orcas, and San Juan islands. All plants are produced locally by the Salish Seeds Project.

Many of the wildflowers offered are hard to obtain commercially and are uncommon even in the wild. Most are showy, excellent for native pollinators, and drought-tolerant. 20 species will be offered, including broadleaf sedum, common red paintbrush, great camas bulbs, Canada goldenrod, Idaho blue-eyed grass, and farewell-to-spring seed. A complete list of species, descriptions, and prices will be available on the Land Bank’s website starting September 18.

Plant reservations must be made online September 18 – 27 and picked up at the following locations on Saturday, October 3 between 12 – 1 pm:

  • San Juan Island – Salish Seeds Project nursery at Red Mill Farm
  • Lopez Island – Sunset Builder’s Supply
  • Orcas Island – Coffelt Farm

The Salish Seeds Project is dedicated to restoring native wildflowers and grasses in the San Juan Islands. Plants and seeds for habitat restoration are produced at a nursery located at Red Mill Farm in San Juan Valley. In a fruitful partnership, The San Juan Preservation Trust owns the property and the Land Bank runs the nursery. For more information contact Outreach/Volunteer Coordinator, Tanja Williamson at 360-370-7655 or email tanjaw@sjclandbank.org.