Wednesday, August 29, 7 p.m., The Grange

— from Mandy Troxel —

Please join us on Wednesday, August 29 at 7 p.m. at the Grange, as touring Breedlove Guitars 2018 Festival singer-songwriter Erin Cole-Baker of New Zealand makes her debut appearance on Orcas.

Erin will be joined by our resident musician Mandy Troxel as opening artist. Cookies by Paula Capistrano, and other treats and non-alcoholic beverages provided. Tickets are available at the door, with suggested donation $15, under 18 years, $5.

Erin Cole Baker ( was born in Santa Barbara and raised in the beach-filled rural northland of New Zealand. Her songwriting and live delivery comes from a place of great honesty and beauty, lead by her gorgeous silvery voice and extraordinary sense of melody. This past Spring, Erin celebrated the release of her 5th album “Till the Feeling’s Right,” a lush and gorgeous feat of beauty tracked mostly live to tape at Anzac rd studio.

Also this year, Erin was funded by Outward Sound to attend the International Folk Alliance Conference in Kansas City, receives regular play on Radio New Zealand, and is currently touring through California, Oregon, and Washington. We’re excited that Erin is visiting us on the way to the Sister Folk Festival, where she received the prestigious Breedlove Artist designation for Sisters Folk Festival 2018. “She has a fragile voice, some very interesting songs and warmth as an intimate performer….from that long tradition of thoughtful, introspective folk singers and writers which go right back to Judy Collins and very early Joni Mitchell.” (Graham Reid (Elsewhere Music Review)

Orcas Island music lovers are well acquainted with the music of Mandy Troxel ( Mandy describes her music with a dash of self-deprecating humor, labeling her genre “Country Western Pathetica” and “Island Mama Americana.” Juxtaposing the beauty of her island home of 16 years with the connection and humor of small town living, her songs acknowledge the dark moments in life, while also underlying a certain optimism. Expect an eclectic array of musical storytelling and sing-alongs, from love lost and found to blackberries and flying pigs.

Need more info? Please contact JoAn Mann, Erin’s contact and long-time concert hosting friend at JoAn has recently moved full-time to Orcas and is happily partnering with the Grange to bring in touring singer-songwriters she has met through her connections with the Sisters Folk Festival and her own house concert series.