Commissioners review Friday Harbor fire, work on West Sound Station, Strategic Plan and future training

By Ken Brown

“I voluntarily take this oath with purpose and pride… I understand that all these lives will be in my hands and mine in theirs…”

This was a part of the oath of service taken by eleven Orcas recruits upon completion of their volunteer fire fighters state training course. They are: Alan Stameisen, Alexander Woofenden, Josh Tye, William Nutt (cadet), Cameron Schuh (cadet), Katrina Lindgren(cadet), Lindsay Schirmer, Scott Walker, Brian Schmitz, Kellan Bernhardt, and Laura Trevellyan. These are the future heroes of our community.

Further business at the Board of Fire Commissioner’s Meeting  on April 12 included presentation and approval of  minutes and financials for the month of March, as was the annual dispatch contract that was verbally approved at the last meeting.

Chief Mike Harris shared a letter of appreciation from San Juan Island.  The fatal fire there [intlink id=”11901″ type=”post”]on April 3[/intlink] affected not only the family members and neighbors but, in rural areas like our islands, the fire fighters invariably know the victims.  Orcas Island Fire and Rescue (OIF&R) was thanked for its rapid response to a request for Critical Incidents Debriefing, which support assists members through the incident and its aftermath.  It was noted that OIF&R was on the scene within two hours.

In old business, progress has been made with Station number 24 in West Sound.  Dwight Guss reported that the apparatus had been painted; and installation of fixtures and exhaust were almost complete as well as the electrical system.

Chief Harris and Commissioner Clyde Duke will attend a meeting on the water system later in the week.  A special mention was made in appreciation of Dwight Guss for his pro bono management of this program.

Work on the new strategic plan continues. Commissioner Barbara Bedell will attend a workshop sponsored by the National Fire Commission Association on communication as it relates to the strategic planning process.  The financial committee will meet at the end of the week with the hopes of coming closer to a general outline that will inform the long range goals of the OIF&R for 2011-2015.

The Fire Commissioners approved two resolutions:

  • Resolution 2011-2 seeks to acquire the title of Station #22 at 78 Deer Harbor Road in West Sound.   This is a 0.33 acre property and will be sold for approximately $154,000.
  • Resolution 2011-3 is a result of this acquisition.  It approves the transfer of funds and amends the capital budget.

In public comments, congratulations were offered to the board for the purchase of Station #22  and a special note of appreciation to Victor Bodie and family for their generosity and support over the years; they leased # 22 to OLF&R at greatly reduced rates.

A question was then raised about the capital budget: Will money be available for other capital improvements as a result of this purchase?  It was here that Chief Harris spoke about community volunteers and involvement, saying that volunteers not only offset costs, their support engenders a sense of ownership and pride.

The meeting came to a close with announcements about a trip to Obstruction Island on April 27th to inspect the landing zone. Airlift Northwest and OIFD duty officers will attend. Members are encouraged to participate in Island Emergency Preparedness.

The board then convened for a closed Executive session to review employee performance. It was stated that no action would be taken.

The next meeting of the OIF&R will be May 10 at 7:30 p.m.

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