— by Lin McNulty —

Even though this “story” is un-sourced, even though it is second- or third-hand hearsay, and even though Orcas Issues avoids repeating un-sourced street rumors, this one is simply too good to ignore.

And because I heard it from a couple of different second-hand sources, i.e., someone who talked to somebody who talked to somebody who knows, in this one instance, I am choosing to take it as gospel truth without even consulting Editor Margie Doyle for approval.

So, as you recall a couple of weeks ago the streets in Eastsound were closed off and traffic was being re-routed due to the application of Fog Seal to the roadway. Signs were everywhere, advising the dates and times that specific places would be closed.

This happened, as we know, during peak tourist season. So, here’s the story. Apparently (subject to investigation which may disprove the story and, therefore, ruin the humor), tourists came in to at least a couple of local businesses wanting to know when and where the Fog Seal Concert was being held.

Fog Seal… A new band in the making, perhaps?

I’ve been giggling about this for a couple of days. Thanks for indulging me.