— from Michael Welding for Whidbey Naval Air Station —

Marbled Murrelet

The Navy has requested – and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has agreed to re-initiate formal consultation on the potential effects on marbled murrelets from Growler airfield operations at NAS Whidbey Island.

The Navy requested re-initiation of formal consultation to clarify the way impacts to the marbled murrelets are accounted for in the monitoring and annual reporting requirements, and to allow for refinement of the analysis associated with the Navy’s selected alternative for Growler operations.

Using the best available science, the USFWS determined in a Biological
Opinion that Growler airfield operations are not likely to jeopardize the
continued existence of the marbled murrelet and issued an Incidental Take
Statement (ITS).  The USFWS affirms that the existing Biological Opinion and ITS will remain in place during the renewed consultation. 

During the re-initiated consultation period, the Navy’s Growler flight
operations will not exceed levels in the ITS. The USFWS is working now to
provide a Biological Opinion on or about January 3, 2020.