The Orcas Island School District Parent-Teacher-Student-Association (PTSA) will sponsor Orcas Schools’ entry in the National Scripps Spelling Bee.

The Spelling Bee is open to students in grades 4 through 8. PTSA President Barb Skotte says, “We’ll also be holding, with the help of wonderful adult volunteers, five afterschool study group sessions, full of practice bees and spelling tips!  These begin next Monday, Nov. 2nd, right after school, 3:15-4:30 in the school library.

“Other sessions will be Nov. 16, Nov. 30, Dec. 14 and Jan. 11, prior to Class Bees on Jan. 15, and the all-school championship Bee on Jan. 29.  If you’re able to help, at either a study session or a bee, we can use you!  ”

Helpers are asked to contact Skotte at or Tim Hance,

“Thank you to Tim Hance for spearheading this wonderful learning opportunity for kids!” Skotte adds.