Merrick Parnell in the press box at Dahl Field, the home of the Vikings.

by Lin McNulty

Graduating from Orcas Christian School in 2008, Merrick Parnell knew he wanted a job in the field of sports. He had been a fan of sportscasters such as Dave Niehaus, the voice of Seattle Mariners from 1977 until his death in 2011, and of Bob Sheppard who continued to announce games for the New York Yankees well into his 90s.

Parnell is excited to be the Public Address Announcer for a new ice hockey team, The Bellingham Blazers, part of an amateur league for players 16-20. When he heard they were looking for an announcer, he almost drove off the road, called them, and sent a resumé.

His first experience announcing a ball game was with the Orcas Middle School girl’s basketball team. He had found his purpose in life!

The task of a PA Announcer is to inform and entertain the fans, and to keep them involved in what’s happening— or just happened—on the field. Although the PA Announcer does not provide commentary, he needs to be constantly alert and aware of the action. Parnell adds his own signature touch, of course, and has recently been incorporating a scoring summary of the teams in his schtick.

With the Bellingham Blazers, he is thrilled to be able to display his bias toward the “home” team. He gets to take sides and exuberantly convey that bias to the fans in the stands.

In his off time, Parnell attends Whatcom College as a Communications major, and he is still the on-field voice of the Vikings at home games. And he does a stint as the Teen Night Program Director at the Funhouse/Commons, where he oversees the referee program for Youth Soccer and acts as liaison with the high school and middle school.

When asked, he says his favorite sport is hockey, and then he adds in lacrosse (which has enjoyed a 100% grown in Washington State in the last ten years) and the pageantry of boxing. His dream is to announce for a major East Coast hockey team, which will fit nicely, he says, with his other goal of becoming a school principal.

And, then, just once, he would like to don a tuxedo and announce a boxing match!

Parnell’s mantra befits his chosen profession: The greatest source of happiness is enjoying the success of others.