Sunday, September 7, 12:30 p.m,. Orcas Landing Dock

— from Denise Wilk —

Our Museum is owned and survives by the generous donations of our visitors and community. It is open to the public most of the year. It is an amazing resource for old and young alike to discover our island history. The Orcas Island Historical Museum is not supported by government funding . Many volunteers and internal effort with generous support from lodging and gifts, pay the bills and keeps on the lights for all to enjoy.
Want to learn more about our historic Lime Kilns and history of early island industry?Join us for a wonderful educational cruise around Orcas and surrounding islands. The Museum appreciates the benefit of this trip . Support the museum by going on a fun filled, educational, & comfortable trip and have a nice lunch as well.
Call 360 376-6566 or reserve online SUNDAY SEPT. 7TH, 12:30 Check in at the Orcas landing dock.