Dale Heisinger, president of the board for Children's House, drums up votes (at $1 each) for the Eastsound mayoral campaign.

Dale Heisinger, president of the board for Children's House, drums up votes (at $1 each) for the Eastsound mayoral campaign.

Mikey the Golden Retriever continues to lead in the sales (that is, polls) in the Eastsound Mayoral Election, brought to islanders by the Orcas Island Children’s House.

Dale Heisinger, Board President o f Children’s House, reports on June 4 the latest results of the mayoral campaign to date: Mikey 492; Dakota the Great Dane478; April the Cow 434; Darwin 385; Eggitha the hen (Heisinger’s personal favorite) 263.

Voting for the fundraiser will close on July 4, and the winner will be announced at the Stage on the Village Green following the Chamber of Commerce parade.

“We are making gains on our goal of at least $10,000 (or should I say “votes”). Funds raised will provide scholarships for families in need, and allow us to complete our natural play scape where ” no child will be left inside” Vote now and vote often,” urges Heisinger. Visit the website at www.oich.org for the latest updates.

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