Saturday, February 25, 8:30 – 10:30 a.m., Orcas Community Church

— from Meredith Griffith —

All island men are invited to attend a men’s breakfast at Orcas Island Community Church on Saturday morning, February 25.

Recreational chef Stan Armstrong and friends will be creating something fresh and unique out of in-season produce and select meats, and there will also be a vegetarian option. During the breakfast, associate pastor Brian Moss will share about the journey that led him from the small Iowa farm where he grew up, to touring the country as a musician and songwriter, to becoming a pastor here on Orcas Island.

“I am looking forward to hearing Pastor Brian Moss talk on February 25, and strongly urge you to attend this rewarding event where you will be inspired and enthused,” said community church member Tom Ritter.

The breakfast will run from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. Admission is by donation. You can sign up at the community church office, or call 376-6422 to attend.