–by David Turnoy —

Fresh off a successful 2018 campaign season, the San Juan County Democrats are ready to begin their activities for 2019.  Our first meeting will be this Saturday, January 12, in the community meeting room at Skagit Valley College in Friday Harbor from 11:45 until 2:30.  This is our reorganization meeting when we will elect people to fill all our officer positions.  Fyi only elected Precinct Committee Officers are eligible to vote for these positions, but anyone who is a Democrat is eligible to run for an officer position.  At the meeting we will also start to plan our activities for this year, especially looking at themes that might guide those activities.  We are a friendly group and welcome new people who would like to get involved in bringing about progressive change.   We also are not a rubber stamp group for the national Democratic Party; we are trying to get them to be the progressive party we need.