The San Juan County Sheriff’s Office and Undersheriff Bruce Distler invite the public to an open meeting at the Eastsound Fire Hall between 5 and 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 21, 2013.

The meeting will be an open forum focused on mental health and public safety. Your island deputies may be available to meet and greet each of you as their duties allow.

Snacks and refreshments will be provided and all are welcome to bring their concerns, ideas and plans for working with local protection and enforcement officers.

Come when you can; say what’s on your mind!

This is the second of monthly meetings (except summer months) sponsored by the Sheriff’s Office. These meetings arise from the work of the “Orcas Response to Newtown” Consensus Group, convened by Fred Klein and co-facilitated by Marta Branch with Klein.

For more information, go to “Orcas Response to Newtown” Consensus Group.