Tuesday, July 21, 3:30 p.m. – 5 p.m., The Whale Museum


— from Jenny Atkinson —


Urban runoff is one of the largest forms of pollutants to ocean life… Urban runoff is trash, pesticides, and other pollutants that end up flowing down a storm drain and affecting marine life on the other end. This project was [is] done to call attention to this issue and raise awareness about prevention methods that anyone can utilize to protect our cherished ocean life! – Lindsay Carron

Lindsay Carron, an artist & muralist, will be in town this week. Along with Josh Peters, an outfitter in Alaska, she is giving us a great gift. Later this summer, permit pending,  she will paint a gianormous mural on the side wall of The Whale Museum – it will depict orcas chasing Chinook following forage fish through a kelp forest! We are so excited about this – and very appreciative of this unique opportunity.

This week, Lindsay is coming to get to know us and Friday Harbor – and we will get to know her. She will be creating a special painting which we hope will lead to a larger project: Storm Drains. Below is an example of the mural she will paint on the Storm Drain in front of The Whale Museum. The purpose of the Storm Drain art is to remind all of us that what goes down the drain ends up in the marine environment – a great opportunity to visualize the need for stewardship! Painting should take place on Wednesday.  Prior to that, we invite you to join us to

Lindsay will talk about her art as well as have prints available for sale.  She would like to hear from us about the importance & role of art on San Juan Island and in Friday Harbor.

We hope you can come!