— from Orcas Island School District —

How would your elementary school or high school classmates remember you?

They would probably first remember me as tall! I would also hope they would remember me as kind, honest and hardworking.

Did you have a favorite teacher?

My favorite teacher wasn’t my favorite teacher until I became a little older. She was harder on me and pushed me because she saw my potential. She always had her students’ best interest.

When and why did you decide to become a teacher?

I have always loved working with kids, whether it was coaching, mentoring, or babysitting growing up. When I moved to Thailand immediately after college, I had my first teaching position in Physical Education and English. Within that time, I realized that it was a passion of mine to work with youth and something I wanted to continue doing as a profession.

What was your first impression of Orcas Island?

Everyone is SO kind and welcoming. THIS is the type of environment I want my own kids growing up in and being part of.

What do like the most about living on Orcas?

Everyone is willing to help and support each other like one big island family, including the students! The food is also amazing!

Do you have any favorite pets, hobbies, interests unrelated to school?

Spending time with my family is number one. We love to get outdoors and find activities we can all enjoy and experience together. I also enjoy traveling and experiencing new places.

Tell me about your first day as a teacher.

In the US, my first day as a teacher was incredibly hot! I didn’t have a gym, so all my classes were taught outside in Southern California.

Tell us about some of the friends you’ve made while teaching.

I have made some lifelong friends who have had a tremendous impact on both my life and my family’s across the world.

Tell us about a time when teaching made you feel the most hopeful.

Sometimes, it takes time for students to accept change, in all aspects. It has always refilled my ‘hope-cup’ when a student makes a breakthrough and I get to be a part of it or witness it.

What are the most challenging and/or funniest moments you’ve experienced in the classroom?

I have a running blooper screen of funny moments with students! PE is the prime place to witness these. There are just too many to name!

What has surprised you most about being a teacher? Or, tell us about a favorite “aha moment” having to do with your teaching practice .

My first year of teaching, I was working with a student constantly who was having a difficult time in school with peers and was defiant. I had constant communication with her, her parents, her teachers, and some days I felt defeated. However, from constantly showing up for her, there was a sudden breakthrough and understanding. It was my first big rewarding “aha” moment for my student, but also for me as to why I do what I do. Everything prior to that day, was all worth it.

How would you like your students to remember you?

As someone who always showed up for them and helped them find joy in physical activity and their health.

Looking back, what advice would you give to yourself in your first year of teaching?

Don’t take things personally. As long as you show up for the kids with the greatest intentions, have prepared for them, and are ready to push them and help them learn and grow, you are doing great.