September 25 – 26 and November 13 – 14. Applications by September 10

— from Hilary Canty —

The Orcas Dental Van has two more visits scheduled for 2015: September 25-26 and November 13-14. The November 14th clinic will be an oral surgery clinic. Applications are available at, at the Public Library, and Orcas Family Connections.

Please drop off applications in the GREEN box marked “Dental Van” outside the Library by September 10. Previous applicants need to re-apply. Denture Clinic applicants are encouraged to apply. Questions can be emailed to

This program is made possible thanks to Dr. Ivans, Dr. Bailey, Dr. Rodgers and Dr. Brar and their staff who generously donate their services. Additional support is provided by the Community Church, the Orcas Island Community Foundation, the Lions, Kiwanis and a team of volunteers and donors. Rosario, Bayside Cottages, the Inn at Ship Bay, Susan and Wally Gudgell, and the Outlook Inn contribute housing for the visiting dentists and Medical Teams International staff. This program is a true team effort that brings a lot of smiles to our community!