— by Margie Doyle —

The Magic Show-- from Left, Matthew Laslo, Madie Jane West, Virginia Sides and Maria Bullock

The Magic Show– from Left, Matthew Laslo, Madie Jane West, Virginia Sides and Maria Bullock

There’s magic in illusions, sleight-of-hand and memory tricks, but the greatest magic in Matthew Laslo’s “Magic Show” is in the grace and polish of the performers.

At the Friday night show, the audience was about half kids, half adults, but all were transfixed by Laslo, who held the audience in the palm of his hand, and the Acrobatic Aerialists — Maria Bullock, Virginia Sides and Madie Jane West.

Although there was a bit of a late start, and a microphone glitch, the performers were flawless as Matthew Laslo moved smoothly through the varied pieces of the show. His communication with the audience was as graceful as his professional, magician’s artistry.

Aerial acrobatics with silks and hoops are part of the Magic Show

Aerial acrobatics with silks and hoops are part of the Magic Show

The Aerialists, who were also his assistants, wove their limber bodies through the floor-to-ceiling extended “silks,” and it was impossible to follow them step by step. That only added to the magic as they defied gravity like swooping, majestic birds. They also performed on one huge hoop suspended from the top of the stage, and their strength, executed with such beautiful artistry, was just, well, magical to observe.

They alternated with audience members whom Matthew engaged to demonstrate the death-defying mastery of his illusions: sawing through a woman’s body (no harm done!); moving himself mysteriously through someone’s body; pushing plates and tubes through cabinets occupied by the assistants. How was that done? the audience marveled, and Matthew was all too happy to provide the explanation: “It’s Magic!”

It is magical and amazing to watch this only 14-year-old refine and perform his magic craft through the years, starting when his grandfather gave six-year-old Matthew a magic kit. With his tall good looks, and animated facial expressions, it’s easy to think he’s ready for Las Vegas showrooms or the “Jimmy” (Fallon or Kimmel) shows.

And Matthew incorporates his gratitude to those who have helped him put on the show — his parents, his on- and off-stage teams, and the Sea View Theatre among others.

Whether doing sleight of hand card tricks, rope tricks, a beach-ball mind-reading game or the big “illusions,” Matthew is a Master Magician. Islanders who are able to view the show this Sunday, or later in the summer on Lopez and San Juan Islands, (https://theorcasonian.com/matthew-the-magician-back-by-popular-demand ) will be awed, bedazzled and entranced.