— by Margie Doyle —

The Magic Show-- from Left, Matthew Laslo, Madie Jane West, Virginia Sides and Maria Bullock

The Magic Show– from Left, Matthew Laslo, Maddie Jane West, Virginia Sides and Maria Bullock

Matthew Laslo, a  14-years young, award-winning magician and illusionist, brings “The Magic Show” to the Sea View Theatre on July 3 and July 5. Appearing with Matthew are his lovely assistants and aerial performers Maria Bullock, Madi Jane West and Virginia Sides.

The two shows are guaranteed to sell out, as they did last year, but tickets are still available at the “old-fashioned” prices of $10 adults/$5 children (12 and under) for the Friday and Sunday night shows.Tickets can be purchased at Darvill’s Bookstore or at www.brownpapertickets.com

The performers rehearse their acts constantly, and have been at the Sea View  preparing for the July shows since April. But “It’s not work, it’s play; it’s doing what I love,” says Matthew in describing the secret of his success. He added that he has a great team: his mom, Donna Laslo arranging for logistics and publicity; and his aerialist assistants.

Maria Bullock first learned aerial acrobatics when she attended Orcas Center’s summer Circus Camp for kids, with her son. After the circus left town, there was no one else to teach the art, and so Maria incorporated it into the home schooling she was providing her sons. She now teaches classes in addition to performing. She says that for her, success is watching the kids transform as their bodies conquer fear and they develop grace and strength and flexibility. “The kids bring such joy as they appreciate their skills.”

The aerialists integrate their performances throughout the show: the aerobics and magical illusions are “a natural pairing, both magical,” says Maria.

The two shows will present 22 “pieces.” The illusions performed by Matthew involved intricate staging and timing. “it’s not like being a singer where you can just change your set,” says Donna Laslo. “With the big illusions, you can mix up your show so there’s lots of surprises.”

The Sea View Theatre shows will incorporate technology for the first time, using a camera and projector to show smaller scale pieces. There’s always the unexpected, funny and jaw-dropping moments. Orcas audiences who’ve seen The Magic Show can testify to Matthew’s ability to be spontaneous and enjoy the magic of the moment, whether it’s allowing an enthusiastic four-year-old to tell her story from the audience or a technical glitch involving an extra set of pants being dropped.

Yet Matthew is the first to admit he’s prone to stage fright; yet, he’s come to appreciate the edge it gives to his act. Over the years he’s tried different things, including listening to advice from Paul Daniels a noted British magician. And though the techniques suggested by Daniels worked at his next show, Matthew says that it didn’t have the quality, the zing, that “stage fright” adrenaline brings to his performing.

Aerial acrobatics with silks and hoops are part of the Magic Show

Aerial acrobatics with silks and hoops are part of the Magic Show,

Now he says, “I love being scared before the show; and I can feel myself, get more comfortable as get into it.”

He says the audience anticipation matches his own: “It’s exciting and super fun to have my own show in this way!”

All of the Magic Show performers describe their act as “our own little show family as we rehearsals from stage and perform in the shows. We always keep growing!”

“There is so much work to do that one or two shows doesn’t make sense, so we’re taking it to other islands,” says Donna Laslo. “That way Matthew, Maria, Madie Jane and Virginia can get the feeling of being on the road,  and honing their craft.”

So later next month, The Magic Show will travel to perform at the San Juan Community Center on July 17; and to Lopez Island on August 1. The  show will travel to Concrete, Wash. and the Whidbey Island Community Center in September.

Home schooling allows Matthew to continue to train in the art and craft of magic, with the goals now to sharpen his skills and to get as much performing experience in his early years. There’ll be “more and more performing and taking it to another level,” says Donna, including trips to Las Vegas once or twice a year, to keep up with latest shows.

Full concessions and a pre-show BBQ (hamburgers, hot dogs, veggie options available too) will treat the whole family for an evening out on the town. Tickets are $10. for adults and $5. for youth