As we welcome summer with days spent in our gardens, we have high hopes of success.  However, sometimes the weather, insects, disease, or our garden practices betray our dedication.  The Master Gardeners of San Juan County are here to help with science based answers to your plant questions.  There will be a Plant Answer Clinic outside the Orcas Island Library entrance Saturday June 22 and Wednesday June 26 from 12 noon until 2 pm.

Please bring us your plant questions by visiting us or actual samples of affected plants by doing the following:

  • -Share information about the problem by scrolling down to locate the plant problem or insect ID forms at  https://extension.wsu.edu/sanjuan/master-gardeners
  • Place a large sample of your plant that includes both affected and healthy parts in a Ziploc bag.
  • Bring your sample and form to the library on the day/time of the Plant Answer Clinic or drop it off at the front desk of the Orcas Library before that date.

We will attempt to answer your question there or get back to you by the end of the week. Happy Gardening!