Mary Jane Ceramics has announce two new series of ceramic classes:

Adult Hand Building – Wednesdays beginning March 31 from 6 – 8:30 pm.  Expand your knowledge of the basics of ceramic hand building techniques, pinch, coil and slab construction.  Cost:  $150 for 6 classes plus $20 for materials.  Class size limited to 6, so call today!

Children’s Art (Ages 7 – 12) – Wednesdays beginning March 31 with morning and afternoon sessions.  We will experiment with several mediums including clay, drawing, mask making and pay attention to design elements and techniques that enhance the student’s natural creative spirit.  Cost:  $90 for 6 classes plus $15 for materials.  Class size limited to 6.

For exact dates and times contact Mary Jane @ 376-7602 or my cell 626-437-2638.  Classes are held at 269 Main Street.

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