— from Michele Wiley —

We are growing again!

Judi Madan and I would like to introduce you to our new addition to the team at Madrona Point Insurance located at 365 North Beach #106 (behind Random Howse).

950Join us in welcoming Alexis Beckley to the staff along with the experience she brings to our friendly office.

Alexis moved here with her fiance Brant from Oregon where she attended Oregon State University (Go Beavers!). She worked at various jobs and settled in at an OB GYN/Doctors office, where she learned the importance of a client relationship and the necessity of confidentiality.

Their move here gave them the opportunity to work in the guest services/tourist industry at the West Beach Resort. When they decided to look at buying property and staying year round, she was referred to us by one of our clients, which in itself is a compliment to her integrity.

Alexis enjoys gardening, hiking and loves her afternoons on the lake with her sweetie paddling their canoe.

Stop by and say hello to Alexis and visit our living room environment for a bit.