During public comment two citizens urged the Council to adopt the ordinance setting lighting standards for Eastsound that have involved years of work to address a serious need. Eight citizens representing a range of businesses and nonprofits urged the council to sign a five-year contract with the SJI Visitors Bureau, noting their strong work on stewardship and the economic importance of tourism that supports year-round services including the hospital and other amenities.

The Council extended the Sales and Use Tax for Public Facilities. The Parks and Fair Director recommended against the county taking destination marketing in-house or seeking proposals as unlikely to attract bids, but to renew the visitor’s bureau contract for 3-5 years with some modifications. The council asked that the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) be advised they would favor a three-year contract with a flat fee rate. The Council will later review LTAC recommendations.

The County lobbyist gave the council an update on the likely situation facing the state legislature in the upcoming long session which will pass a budget, for many legislators for the first-time in tight financial conditions. He advised the council to focus on issues pertaining uniquely to San Juan County, which could include decoupling the affordable housing REET from the Land Bank, allowing solar installation on landfill, and funding requests for the Argyle property, salmon recovery, and an emergency response tug in the Salish sea.

The council reviewed and approved updates to the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) and the Environmental Stewardship Capital Plan including removing two unnecessary culvert projects and pushing back dates on projects with permitting delays. The Killibrew Lake Project was moved from the TIP to the ESCP as the Bayhead project.

The County will need to find another way to provide coroner services than through the PA’s Office given a change in state law. The county manager is researching options. The council approved the sale of the county interest in the Orcas Senior Center and approved the purchase of property at 531 Fern Street in Eastsound to eventually relocate county services.

The council agreed to abstain from voting the county’s shares in an upcoming recall vote in the Eastsound Water Users Association. The council discussed two $90k grants awarded by the state Department of Commerce to NGOs Island Stewards and Friends of the San Juans to do community outreach around the Comprehensive Plan update without consulting the county or addressing coordination.

The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan organization encourages informed participation in government. The Observer Corps attends and takes notes at government meetings to expand public understanding of public policy and decisions. The notes do not necessarily reflect the views of the League or its members.

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