— by Lin McNulty and Margie Doyle —

This past week, the League of Women Voters of the San Juans (LWV-SJs) held its Candidates Forums on San Juan, Orcas and Lopez Islands. Wednesday, Oct. 8 was the day Orcas residents could hear from candidates for County Treasurer, County Clerk, County Sheriff, and 40th District State Representative Candidates.

County Councilmen Rick Hughes and Jamie Stephens, County Manager Mike Thomas, and State Senator Kevin Ranker were also at the election event. Diane Martindale, President of the LWV-SJs, announced the 20th anniversary of LWV operations in San Juan County. She also reminded the audience that LWV does not endorse candidates, but does take a stand on issues.

In this election, the League has announced its support for I-594 (gun background checks) and its opposition to I-591. Martindale  advised interested voters to go to the website vote411.org to obtain further information about the election

Steve Bowman, LWV-SJs member from San Juan Island, moderated the forums on all three islands.

San Juan County Treasurer candidates Tony Fyrqvist and Rhonda Pederson spoke first. The current County Treasurer is Jan Sears.

Fyrqvist is a 23-year resident of San Juan Island. He referred to his experience as a private businessman, a volunteer firefighter and a soccer coach.  He said he brings 30 years in banking, particularly in customer service, to his bid for County Treasurer.  He defined customer service, in part, as responding in a timely fashion, and bringing a personal approach, as well as efficiency to the task at hand.

Rhonda Pederson has lived in the San Juans for 20 years. In addition to employment in county government in the health department and auditors office, she served as a volunteer firefighter.  With her experience as accountant for 23 different taxing districts, and with the county, she asserts she would bring a “seamless transition” to the County Treasurer’s office.

San Juan County Clerk

Joan White is the incumbent County Clerk. She has lived in Friday Harbor for 25 years. Acknowledging that public speaking wasn’t her forte, she outlined the duties of the County clerk —

  • maintaining reliable court records,
  • collecting fines and restitutions,
  • updating the website,
  • archiving records, going back to 1890.

She said that the emphasis on confidentiality in her office is not just confined to the records and documents, but to conversation and other communication.

Nancy Vejvoda is seeking the County Clerk position. She now works for the District Court, and cites her experience as an active member of the community in various employment over 20 years, as giving her excellent managerial skills. As the County will have and new Assessor and Treasurer this year, Vejvoda says that the Clerk’s Office will benefit from a change also.

When asked about the skills needed to manage an effective team, White said it was important to have the right people in team positions. Vejvoda said it was critical to have a team that could blend their personalities and rely on each other; her example would model that skill.

(To be continued with Legislative District Candidates Kris Lytton and Daniel Miller, County Sheriff Candidates Rob Nou and Ron Krebs, and Levy Lid Replacement Speakers Mike Thomas and Nick Jones).