Monday, October 14, 10:15 a.m., Lopez Center

— from San Juan County Communications —

San Juan County Council will continue past public hearings to consider adoption of an ordinance creating a new Lopez Village Subarea Plan, new development regulations for the Lopez Village urban growth area, adoption of standards plans, and an implementation plan.

The hearing will be held on Monday, October 14, 2019, at or after 10:15 a.m. at the Lopez Center for Community and the Arts

Changes made to the original proposal as suggested by the Planning Commission and County Council are incorporated into the August 19, 2019 draft ordinance.  Copies of it are available from the SJC Department of Community Development, 135 Rhone Street, Friday Harbor, WA.  The proposed ordinance is posted on-line at Each ordinance exhibit is bookmarked in the PDF.

Public comments must be sent to