by Lin McNulty

Cast as many votes as you want! It's legal!

Cast as many votes as you want! It’s legal!

It’s not too late to cast your vote(s) for Mayor of  Eastsound. In fact, although this has not yet been adjudicated  by SCOTUS, you can vote as often as you like. There are no PACs involved; just pay a buck every time you vote! It doesn’t get any easier or more clear than that.

Pictured at the right are the candidates at their very best. Often it is the best-looking candidate who might win an election, and these candidates have done their best to look spiffy.

But what about their politics? Where do they stand on the issues? That’s what a well-informed Orcas voter wants to know. So Orcas Issues held a private, secret interview session with each candidate over several weeks to glean inside information about each contender. (OK, we called Children’s House, who, as the benefactor of the election proceeds, was more than happy to comply with our request for the “inside scoop.”


SPONSOR: Children’s House
MANAGERS: Jenny Hovelman, Patrick and Erin Bennett
SLOGAN: “Equal Rights and a Voice for All Species”
PARTY: Beagalitarian
Island bred, Island grown and a lifetime resident for 13 years, Jinjer is cherished as a classroom pet at the Children’s House preschool — always looking out for the safety of others —  as well as a tasty tidbit or two dropped on the floor.

An avid sports fan, Jinjer was in her youth the mascot for our very own Vikings football team.  As a Beagalitarian, she believes equality and voice for all species. She believes in the power of group decision-making and that our State Parks should keep their natural beauty.

Jinjer wants her constituents to know a vote for her is an honest and trustworthy vote — and that she had nothing to do with the missing hamburger!


SPONSOR: Windermere
OWNER: Kristin Mierau
SLOGAN: “Not Just a Pretty Face, Fargo”
Fargo is a 2-1/2 year old Boston Terrier. He believes that the key to success in this world is through love, appreciation, and consideration of all creatures, big and small.

His managers say, “Fargo is not just a pretty face. He is a deep thinker who values the importance of exercise and spending time in nature.” He loves hiking in the park. And, he recognizes the importance of being a good listener via his large ears.

Fargo believes that this island needs to ensure affordable ferry transportation. He will use his high energy to keep running to the finish of this race.

It’s clear that Fargo is trying to secure the votes of the under-five crowd. He has been seen campaign posters around town being kissed, chased and hugged by a three-year-old student of Children’s House.


SPONSOR: Island Hoppin’ Brewery
MANAGER: Becca Gray
PARTY: LABritarian
Lucy is a 7 1/2 year old female black Labrador Retriever, “beloved” by customers of Island Hoppin’ Brewery. Lucy’s manager, Becca Gray, describes Lucy as a wonderful companion. “She likes going to the beach, swimming, boating and strolling through the woods looking for mushrooms.”

Lucy maintains a close connection to her constituents. “She just likes being with people, especially at Island Hoppin’ where smoked salmon skins make her even more loyal.”

Lucy loves tricks, including performing the “prairie dog.” She sits up on her back end and looks… well, like a prairie dog. She also obeys hand signals for come, sit, lay. Lucy plays well with other animals including chickens.

Gray reminds constituents that Lucy has ties to a previous Honorary Mayor, Clara.


SPONSOR: Orcas Book Exchange
MANAGER: Vala Ross
SLOGAN: “A Bark You Can Believe In”
PARTY: Cascadia Separatist
Panda is a 3-year-old Pomeranian Chihuahua (Pom-Chi). She is running as a Cascadia Separatist, believing in healthy bio-regions and “tiny” impact on the planet.

She loves kids and cats, since they are both as small and cute as she is. She believes in holistic child-rearing, healthy food, kid-friendly environments, cooperative play, and outdoor experience.

Check out Panda’s Picks at Orcas Book Exchange. She especially promotes early childhood education, since that is the future that all of us will depend on.

Panda’s signature trick is getting up on her back legs and spinning in a circle (like a little ballerina) for a treat.


SPONSOR: Crow Valley Pottery
OWNER: Martin Lund
SLOGAN: “In It to Win It”
PARTY: Windependent
8-year-old terrier, Winston, wants to clean up the vermin in Eastsound politics, and has been officially endorsed by ex-Mayor Clara, a popular canine who rose to the top of the dog pile in the tightly contested race of 2009.

Among other interests, Winston loves listening to the saxophone and is known to become so inspired, he often breaks out in song. Though not a fan of sCAT, he can howl with the best of them.

Winston enjoys swimming and encourages—as well as supports—the arts.

The mayoral race is an annual fundraiser sponsored by and benefiting Children’s House. Voting is open to both islanders and visitors who “buy” candidates into office placing as many votes as they want at area polling locations or online. Each vote benefits the toddlers and preschool children of Children’s House.

Over the last several years, mayoral candidates — including dogs, cats, chickens, sheep, bunnies, and beloved bovine April — helped raise more than $24,000 for the school.

Current Mayor Murphy will not be seeking a second term, but will be campaigning for his friends at the Village Market Saturday. Murphy has not yet revealed which candidate he will be backing.

Despite occasional ankle nipping, back biting, yipping and whining, the Honorary Mayor’s race is always good-natured and offers both the community and island visitors an opportunity to support an establishment committed to early childhood education.

For additional details on the race, visit or follow ChildrensHouse on Twitter. Last day to cast ballot(s) is July 6.