Do you relate to your food
imagine its background
where it came from
its history?
As you savor it
does an event, person, season
the hum of happy… 
join you at the table?
Stories of life
of place
are in the food and
created in its preparation
From grandma’s cookhouse
where everything eaten came from the ranch
From the fantasies of a girl who read
the NY Times Sunday edition and Eloise
A girl who grew and read other stories,
of great chefs
of how foods spoke
a language of their part of the world
Who moved to Orcas
and fell in love
with it’s bounty and beauty
and a man of kindred spirit
Her food became a story
a song of the sun and rain, 
an unhurried gesture of truth
an oasis in a parched busy world
A story of plants and animals 
tended with love
 by good work and slow days
by neighbors, friends
If you ate at Christina’s
or Red Rabbit Farm
the food was conceived
from such simple magic
The magic became
a feature of Orcas
a promise an expectation 
an icon for forty years
Thank you, and Happy Birthday, Christina