San Juan County has discovered a community super power and is applying it to strengthen access to locally grown farm fresh foods. Springing to action early in the pandemic, the San Juan Islands Agricultural Guild focused on a fundraising partnership to bolster the FARM Fund that harnesses financial donations in an innovative grant making venture that targets small farm infrastructure needs, from irrigation to greenhouse, in an active push to increase local food production and distribution.

To receive a grant, local farms agreed to up their sales and donations to local food banks to help feed the county’s most vulnerable, and ensure food security for all. Thanks to collaboration with the Orcas Island Community Foundation and the Food Coop, $117,000 has been raised and granted to date and the Ag Guild welcomes ongoing donations to support the FARM Fund.

During October, the Ag Guild is hosting the Local Goods Auction that features Art, Food and Farm Experiences from over 50 donors as a fundraiser to continue support for solutions oriented food security programs in San Juan County. Lend a hand and celebrate the flavors of the San Juans at the Auction, October 10-31. Auction preview Oct 3-9. Each week special auction items are featured along with island music and children’s and farm videos. See www.sjiagguild.com.