— by Jule Treneer —

The Orcas Island Lit Fest today issued a reminder to all San Juan County artists, writers and poets that the submissions window for proposals to be considered for the 2019 Lit Fest will close after September 30.

“Supporting and promoting local and regional writers is a key aspect of our mission,” said Lit Fest co-founder and president Jule Treneer. “We’re counting on San Juan County folks to help spread the word, and encourage local writers to submit a proposal.”

The second annual Orcas Island Lit Fest will take place April 5-7, 2019. Applicants are encouraged to apply online at oilf.org/call-for-proposals. All applications will receive a reply by mid-November. The Orcas Island Lit Fest gives special consideration to San Juan County residents.

About Orcas Island Lit Fest

The mission of the Orcas Island Lit Fest is to bring together people who love to read books with the authors who love to write them. his April, the Lit Fest will bring a select group of nationally acclaimed authors to beautiful Orcas Island to join local and regional writers in sharing their art, wisdom and knowhow. will have the chance to attend readings, panel discussions, a Friday-night lit walk, and a Saturday-evening marquee event on the Center Stage at the Orcas Center. For more information, visit www.oilf.org or find us on Facebook.