Cassis and Kennedy draw the winning raffle ticket at Island Market on Saturday, March 26

The Orcas Lions Club Shopping Spree winner this year provided a bonanza for the Orcas Food Bank when two young sisters from Coeur d’Alene drew the winning ticket.  Cassie and Kennedy seen in the photo, visitors to Orcas, enthusiastically mixed the raffle tickets and together pulled the winning ticket.

Pam Harney and Jim Biddick, Co-chairs of the Orcas Lions Club
Super Shopping Spree, said, “What a thrill for the food bank, always in need of help to assist local families!  Kudos to the community who purchased over $1800 worth of raffle tickets, many donated to local charities.  It’s a great reflection of the generosity of our community.  The proceeds benefit both Camp Horizon which serves people with disabilities as well as the Lion’s Club annual Health Screening Van.
Maria Webster, on behalf of the Food Bank, completed the five minute dash through Island Market Sunday morning, gathering almost $1000 of packaged, canned and bottled food and merchandise.
This years Shopping Spree sponsors included,  The Office Cupboard, Kay’s Antiques & Collectivles, Island Market, Orcas Excavating, Orcas Island Physical Therapy, Island Excavating, Island Storage, Millie’s Art, Antiques and Collectibles, Island Psychiatric Services, Trading Company, Diane and Patrick Whitley and Mariah Buck-Windermere Realty.

Harney and Biddick said, following the Shopping Spree, “Your local Orcas Lions Club thanks each of you who participated!”

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