— from Stephen Bentley —

The Orcas Island Lions Club, Food Co-op and Senior Center are collaborating to sponsor a Diabetes Support Group. The target date for the group’s first meeting will be shortly after the year-end holidays. Perhaps joining this support group can be a life changing New Year’s Resolution.

The Orcas Food Co-op’s November “Community Hero” program donations will be awarded to the Orcas Lions Club. The Lions are committed to use 100% of the money raised to address diabetes in our community. Working with the Orcas Island Senior Center, the Lions plan to use the funds raised to establish an ongoing Diabetes Support Group.

People living with type 2 diabetes know how important it is to check their blood sugar, eat the right foods, and stay active. But being aware of these actions and doing them consistently can be two very different things. After getting a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, many people are motivated to make important lifestyle changes. But these changes often do not happen overnight, and enthusiasm for eating healthier, getting regular activity, and monitoring your blood sugar can be difficult to maintain over the long term. According to research published in “Diabetes Care,” on average, the initial health improvements people often make begin to diminish within six months if a person doesn’t have ongoing self-management support.

This is where a diabetes support group can go a long way toward successfully managing diabetes. Connecting with other people who have diabetes can help individuals and families stay motivated to take care of themselves by offering both practical and personal support. According to a study published in “Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice”, people with type 2 diabetes who attend support groups are more successful at maintaining — or even improving — their health.

The Orcas Island Food Co-op’s “Community Hero” donation program consists of three parts: 3% Thursday, Register Round Up, and Coins for the Community. On Thursday, November 2 , 3% of the gross receipts of Orcas Food Co-op will be donated to fight diabetes on Orcas.

In addition, donors can also “Round-up at the Register” all month long. It’s easy to Round Up your purchase. When your cashier asks, simply say “Yes!” and you’ll help fight diabetes. Of course, if you’d like to donate more than the roundup you can do that, too. Just let your Food Co-op cashier know the amount you want to donate.

For additional information please call Stephen Bentley at 376-2299.