As most of you know there are three agencies that will decide the fate of the Gateway Pacific Coal Terminal at Cherry Point: the Army Corps of Engineers, the State of Washington and the Whatcom County Council.

Whatcom County is also the permitting entity for the project. Who sits on that Council will decide the fate of the islands and perhaps, through increased CO2 emissions in China, the world.

I have included a link that will give you more information about what’s at stake and about one candidate with a history of environmental caring, Carl Weimer. He has been on the Council for 8 years and his win is key to protecting the waters of the San Juans from Capesize ships and their threat of both on-going pollution of many kinds and the potential for large fuel spills in the case of an accident.

A large number of your fellow Islanders have been working for the last 1 1/2 years to oppose Gateway Pacific and it’s mega-ships. There will be a lot of money spent by representatives of the coal companies, Goldman Sachs and BNSF railroad (owned by Warren Buffet).

Please go the the link. Consider donating to Carl’s campaign. He will be fighting not just to preserve Whatcom County but the Islands as well: website link:

Barbara Keller, Member Lopez NoCOALition