— from Pete Moe, Executive Director, Orcas Recyling Services/The Exchange —

  1. Six years ago, when The Exchange was competing for the contract to run the Orcas Transfer Station, Randy was among the first to recognize the exciting possibilities local control could bring, and he was there to help realize that vision.
  2. Ten years ago, as a new Executive director of The Funhouse, I was having problems with a certain parent who regularly showed up late–and intoxicated–to pick up his kids. I called Randy. He provided the tools I needed to work through the situation.
  3. Twelve years ago, when I had been on Orcas for less than a year, I showed up for my first January 25k race in Moran State Park in a cotton sweatshirt, and with no water bottle. With a smile he explained my mistakes in preparation, dug into his equipment bag and gave me the gear I needed–saving me from what would have been a miserable experience.

Randy’s not just a great prosecutor. It is also the decades of experience and commitment to this community that make him right for the job. As he proved to me, he will also give you the (long-sleeve technical running) shirt off his back!